Rally Practice Session at Knockhill on Saturday afternoon

Picture of SMMC Admin
Rally Practice Session at Knockhill on Saturday afternoon
by SMMC Admin - Tuesday, 4 August 2020, 4:24 PM

Knockhill are running a Rally Practice Session from 2pm to 6pm this Saturday at the Circuit and marshals of all disciplines are required.

Knockhill are running a Rally Practice Session from 2pm to 6pm this Saturday at the Circuit and marshals of all disciplines are required. The proposed route is shown below.

Crews will take part in two runs in one direction then they will turn things around and have two runs in the other direction. Junctions will be pinned and taped to ensure only one route is possible in both directions.

The Circuit is looking for helpers...

  • to marshal the afternoon, arrival from 1pm for the 2pm start, and/or
  • any willing helpers to set up the hillside from 9.30am.

Lunch will be provided.

If you're interested in helping, please contact Knockhill's Stuart Gray directly by email at by Thursday morning.

The radio network will use Knockhill Circuit radios, but if you're interested in being a radio marshal,. please let Stuart know.

Rally route - Knockhill Circuit