Topic outline
- Environmental Sustainability Hub
Environmental Sustainability Hub
Motorsport has long held the ability to draw in large audiences, enthralled with the spectacle of fast racing, the smell of Castrol R and noisy, internal combustion engines, but it’s no secret that in modern times, the environmental impact of motorsport has to be considered. The competition element of motorsport is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to carbon impact. There are many factors involved and everything makes a difference – from the emissions caused by driving to an event to printing out signing-on forms.
The Club has the potential to be more sustainable and as such, we are taking steps to do as much as we can practically do to protect local and global environment impacted by our activities, and support both Motorsport UK’s and the FIA’s sustainability strategies.
- Policies and Documentation
Policies and Documentation
This policy has been endorsed by the SMMC Trustees.
Although SMMC does not organise motorsport events, we do support many events and it is critical that we manage and minimise our own environmental impact.
- Sustainability Accreditation
Sustainability Accreditation

We are delighted that our efforts around sustainability have been recognised by Motorsport UK through the award of their Sustainability Accreditation. We would encourage all marshals, officials, competitors, teams, service crews, spectators, contractors and suppliers to support our programme of continuous improvement to minimise our environmental impact.
- Supporting local initiatives
Supporting local initiatives
We are planning to offset our carbon emissions by supporting local environmental charities, demonstrating a tangible commitment to the well-being of local ecosystems. If you have any suggestions for the Committee to consider, please let our Environmental Champion, Mark Russell, know.
- News
We are delighted that our efforts around sustainability have been recognised by Motorsport UK through the award of their Sustainability Accreditation.
It’s fantastic to see Knockhill Motor Sports Club (KMSC) recognised as the Sustainable Club of the Year. SMMC's Rescue and Medical Group support all car racing events at Knockhill and we know that KMSC have done a huge amount of work to improve their environmental practice and become more sustainable.
- Contact
We have an ethical and moral responsibility to reduce our overall climate impact and SMMC will continue to challenge and innovate how it delivers its activities within motorsport. To that end, we would encourage any suggestions or questions. If you would like further information, please contact our Environmental Champion, Mark Russell –
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Scottish Motorsport Marshals Club is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Charity registered in Scotland SC050322.
Registered Office: 29 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3HP