The Jim Clark Marshalling Award

This Award is made to such member of the Club who, in the sole opinion of the Trustees, has made a significant or meritorious contribution to motor sport marshalling in Scotland.

The Award was initiated following the donation to the Club of the proceeds resulting from the sale of a commemorative helmet, which had been signed by 120 friends, associates and acquaintances of the late Jim Clark at a dinner in the Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh, in April 1993.

This helmet, together with the menu for that dinner and one of the special badges struck for the event, subsequently had been auctioned by Coy's of Kensington at Silverstone on 24 July 1993 and the sale proceeds together with their commission had been donated to the Club for the purchase of specialist rescue equipment.

The then SMMC Committee decided to match this amount by setting up a separate fund in Government Stocks, the income from which would be applied towards the purchase of an Award, an inscribed, polished quaich, to be awarded at the discretion of the Trustees.

In order to maintain the intended prestigiousness of the Award, the Trustees do not consider themselves bound to make the Award annually.


2024 - Ian Gillian

2023 - Dene Wicks

2022 - Not awarded

2021 - John Bennie

2020 - Jon Bolton

2019 - Diana Baines

2018 - Tom Wilson

2017 - Not awarded

2016 - Claire Headridge

2015 - Not awarded

2014 - Not awarded

2013 - Dr John Harrington

2012 - Not awarded

2011 - Not awarded

2010 - Not awarded

2009 - Not awarded

2008 - Not awarded

2007 - Not awarded

2006 - Not awarded

2005 - Alastair Gray

2004 - Ian Douglas

2003 - Ron Cowan

2002 - Nick Clarke

2001 - Sue Fenwick

2000 - Andrew Stronach

1999 - Jonathan Lord

1998 - Mike Fenwick

1997 - Jim Robertson

1996 - Ian Baird

1995 - Walter Robertson

1994 - George Malloch

Last modified: Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 2:03 PM